School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Testimonials

Kayla Archambault

[The small class sizes make it] so I’ve been able to easily connect with professors...and get more in-depth one-on-one time. It makes it easier to go to office hours or get more familiar with the professors.

Applied Mathematics, Chemistry
Headshot of Shanley Camara

Getting to work with real data and help make decisions for the department is real-life problem solving. It’s awesome.

Data Science
Hannah Sihler

With the outlook for computer science job growth at a staggering 15%, a rate faster than the average job growth for all occupations, I truly believe UNE’s curriculum for the Computer Science minor will set students with a fantastic foundation for rewarding careers in technology. It did for me!

Applied Mathematics, Biophysics
Ashlee Tiberio

I have been committed to a career in data science/analysis for a little over a year now and I'm glad I have found a perfect fit for me. My interest skyrocketed after taking the three statistics courses that are required for the math major.

Applied Mathematics
Testimonial Place Holder

Working in the lab has enabled me to develop significant skills in the field of medicinal chemistry and has enabled me to see real world examples of concepts learned in the classroom.

Testimonial Place Holder

UNE exceeded my expectations. [The school] offers a series of challenging and exciting courses in all branches of chemistry, taught by a group of dedicated faculty members, and provides a vast array of research opportunities. 

Testimonial Place Holder

The professors I have had the opportunity to work with and take courses with have been fantastic; they are down to earth, very personable and approachable, and they seem to be willing and available to help any student who needs it. 

Testimonial Place Holder

One thing I appreciate above all others about UNE is the size and openness of the faculty. Thanks to the small class sizes, it is easy to get to know your professors on a more personal level.

Testimonial Place Holder

The increasing variety of classes means that I can create my own personalized education experience within the department’s framework. In addition, I receive very generous support from them in terms of funding my research and getting recommendations.

Testimonial Place Holder

Almost every professor offers some sort of research opportunity. The experience and knowledge you gain by getting into student research is invaluable.

Testimonial Place Holder

I've come to realize more and more how my math training at UNE is really helping me understand Chemistry better.

Joe Langdan

My research would be impossible without a strong background in mathematics.

Applied Mathematics
Testimonial Place Holder

A marine scientist with a math background will be set apart from other job applicants and can use their knowledge to create innovative solutions to research problems.

Applied Mathematics
cassidy peterson

Regardless of the job market, there will always be a place for researchers who bridge the disciplines of math and biology.

Applied Mathematics
Joselle OBrien

My Mathematics education at UNE offered substantial time for the honing of my mathematical capacity, particularly through the variety of classes and opportunities for collaborative research.

Applied Mathematics